Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to Binge and lose fat + Day 3 of "Becoming Superhuman"

This is what I ate yesterday for my cheat day:

You can do the same and LOSE fat by following 3 basic principles:

1. minimize the release of insulin (a storage hormone) by ensuring your first meal is not a cheat meal and is high in protein and insoluble fiber; drink small quantities of fructose, fruit sugar, and citric juices before your second meal and throughout the day.
2. Increase how quickly food exits the stomach through caffeine, yerba mate tea, and other athletic greens (I drink green tea).
3. Engage in brief muscular contraction before and/or after each meal for 60-90 seconds (I usually do prisoner squats, wall presses/extensions, or isometrics).

Day 3 of "Becoming Superhuman"
-Push-ups: 22, 30, 20, 20, maxed out at 30
-Pull-ups: 8, 10, 7, 7, maxed out at 7
-Dips: 10, 13, 9, 9, maxed out at 13
-Horizontal Rows: 11, 15, 9, 9, maxed out at 13
-Military Press 100pds: 8, 10, 7, 7, maxed out at 10
-Barbell Shrug: 14, 19, 12, 12, maxed out at 16
-Leg Press machine at 400: 2 reps at 5/5 cadence
-Reverse Pec-Deck Fly at 115: 5 reps at 5/5 cadence
-Hammer Curl 40pds: 5 reps at 5/5 cadence
-Rope Extensions at 70: 3 reps at 5/5 cadence
-Myotatic Crunch: 10 reps with 20pd dumbbell
-Cat Vomit: 10 reps of 12 second holds

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